Hartwig – How to get the mandate to effectively resolve the situation?

Hartwig Bayersdorf

Robert Bosch

The EnISSA technology allows us to quickly gain more and more insight. It’s wisely spent money, definitely in the beginning of a project.

When EnISSA took part at their first ‘soil conference’ in Copenhagen (Denmark), it created quite a buzz. Off course, I wanted to see what challenges this new kid in town could tackle. If they could live up to the promise … They didn’t let me down—quite the opposite, they exceeded my expectations.

Over the years Bosch and EnISSA worked together on mapping out problem sites all over Europa. Each time, the results amazed us. Gathering an enormous amount of relevant data, has so many advantages.

Data-driven insights: a game-changer for brownfields

EnISSA provides the best and most cost-efficient way to map the entire area of a high-potential brownfield, pinpoint the pollution and its components, locate its exact position, and determine the necessary measures.

All of this happens on site, in a short amount of time. And that presents us with another enormous advantage. We can instantly react on what is found. And immediately refine the process. This means: no more waiting for lab results, no more data gaps.

“It is the perfect tool to demonstrate clients what exactly the problem is and what measures need best be taken.”

Another interesting aspect of EnISSA is their 3D-visualisation. Everyone involved can see for themselves the dept of the problem – literally and figuratively speaking. And through that knowledge and understanding of all stakeholders, soil professionals like us get the mandate to effectively resolve the situation.

I visited EnISSA-HQ a few times in Belgium. Their R&D department always keeps pushing for even better and more specified technology and results. Their next potential breakthrough? I hope it will be an easily transportable model that will take their knowledge and experience worldwide with ease. Imagine the possibility to effectively remediate brownfields all over the world and reintegrate them for a durable future!

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